zaterdag 10 juli 2010

My Vintage Oakleys

Eyeshade(1984), Grey frame with Bronze lens, SKU 03-005

Eyeshade Factory Pilot (1984), Red frame with Grey lenses, SKU 03-008

Eyeshade Factory Pilot (1984) Blue frame with Grey lenses. SKU 03-012

New Razor Blade (2005)Pink frame with Black Earstems and Grey lenses .SKU 03-386

Blade (1985) with Black frame and Orange Mirror lenses.

Blade (1985) with White frame and Grey lenses .SKU 03-206

1 opmerking:

  1. Hello!

    I've just seen on your blog a pair of Oakley Frogskins sunglasses and I'm really interested in purchaising them.

    Could you tell me please if these sunglasses are for sale, or if they are un-used?
    And, in case you have already sold them, do you have any idea where I could find exactly this model "Frogskin Crystal Red Frame with Positive Red Irridium lenses"?

    I also had the same model, but unfortunately now they are broken and I would really really like to buy another pair. I just loved them!...I know that they're available on several colours but on red I find them very special:)

    My E-mail Adresses are: or

    Thank you very much and I am looking forward to hearing from you:)


